

最近,《少年的你》上映,影片中主要讲述的校园暴力现象,将这一问题再次拉回了公共的视线。小编整理了一些有关校园暴力的英文表达,大家不妨来学习一下~一、关于校园暴力英文:campus violence也可以叫做:school bullyviolence:n.猛烈;暴力;暴行;强暴;冒犯;破坏例子:Rape is sexualized violence.强奸是一种与性有关的暴力行为。He was swift to condemn the violence/in condemning the violence.他立刻谴责了那种暴力行为。Violence is reaching epidemic levels.暴力到达了盛行的水平。

with great violence or force猛烈的;猛烈的;带有极大的暴力或气力的force:n. 军队,暴力 ;v. 强迫,用力推动例子:by (main) force用蛮力, 全靠气力; 以最大的力气The force is spectacular!这个瀑布很壮观!resultant force协力violent:adj. 暴力的,情感强烈的,猛烈的,强烈的例子:violently advattack, disagree, react violently攻击,阻挡,反映十分强烈To break or smash by striking violently.to strike violently;smash猛烈地撞击;击碎二、关于校园欺凌校园欺凌(school bullying)指的是发生在学生之间,蓄意或恶意通过肢体(physical abuse)、语言(verbal abuse)及网络(abuse online)等手段,实施欺负、侮辱造成伤害。bully:n. 恶霸,仗势欺人者例如:I fell victim to the office bully.我成了办公室恶霸的欺凌工具。

所以,实施校园欺凌的人就叫school bully。“School violence" is a popular word in the school during this years. And school violence have many influence for us too. Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays.suffer from:遭遇译文:“校园暴力”是近年来学校里盛行的一个词,校园暴力对我们也有着很大的影响,我们中的许多人都遭受着校园欺凌的折磨。

Being teased, threatened and hit is part of a normal day for many students.be part of a normal day :……是日常生活的一部门译文:被戏弄、受威胁或遭殴打,对许多学生来说是逐日的屡见不鲜了。The typical victim is usually shy and sensitive. He or she may be overweight, physically small, or different from other students.victim:n.受害者;受骗者;牺牲例句:The blackmailers extracted 10,000 pounds from their victim.敲诈者从受害人那里勒索了一万英镑。

be different from :与……差别译文:典型的受害者通常都是既含羞又敏感。他们可能是过于肥胖、太瘦弱,或者是和其他同学不太一样。This film reminded the public of the issue of anti-bully in campus.remind of:提醒……译文:这部影片提醒了民众反校园暴力的问题。

三、经典台词英文:classic lines1、你掩护世界,我掩护你。You protect the world,I protect you. 2、我想要给她最好的了局。I want to give her the best ending.最后引用影片中的一句话:我们生活在阴沟里,但依然有人仰望星空。


