
本文摘要:Unti1 what’s the matter?短语归纳1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下 3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查 4.take one ’s temperature 量体温 5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷药 6.have a fever 发烧7.take breaks /take a break 休息 8.without thinking twice 没多想9.get off 下车 10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院 11.wait for等候 12.to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的13.thanks to多亏于;由于 14.in time实时 15.think about 思量 16.have a heart problem患有心脏病 17.get into the trouble 遇到贫苦 18.do the right thing做正确的事情事情19.fall down 摔倒 20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上 21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤 22.be interested in 对.....感兴趣23.be used to 习惯于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑战25.lose one’s life 失去生命 26.because of 因为27.run out of 用完 28.cut off 切除29.get out of 从...出来 30.make a decision/decisions 做决议31.be in control of 掌管;治理 32.give up 放弃用法归纳1.need to do sth .需要去做某事 2.see sb doing sth 瞥见某人正在做某事3.ask sb sth 询问某人某事 4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事5.agree to do sth 同意做某事 6.help sb (to) do sth 资助某人做某事7.want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事9.have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有难题 10.use sth to do sth用某物去做某事11.be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 12.seem to do sth 似乎做某事13.keep on doing sth 继续做某事 14.mind doing sth 介意做某事语法点1.询问某人的康健问题及遇到贫苦的表达方法2.情态动词should的用法3.不定代词的用法精致解读1. What’s the matter (with you)? 怎么了?

Unti1 what’s the matter?短语归纳1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下 3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查 4.take one ’s temperature 量体温 5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷药 6.have a fever 发烧7.take breaks /take a break 休息 8.without thinking twice 没多想9.get off 下车 10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院 11.wait for等候 12.to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的13.thanks to多亏于;由于 14.in time实时 15.think about 思量 16.have a heart problem患有心脏病 17.get into the trouble 遇到贫苦 18.do the right thing做正确的事情事情19.fall down 摔倒 20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上 21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤 22.be interested in 对.....感兴趣23.be used to 习惯于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑战25.lose one’s life 失去生命 26.because of 因为27.run out of 用完 28.cut off 切除29.get out of 从...出来 30.make a decision/decisions 做决议31.be in control of 掌管;治理 32.give up 放弃用法归纳1.need to do sth .需要去做某事 2.see sb doing sth 瞥见某人正在做某事3.ask sb sth 询问某人某事 4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事5.agree to do sth 同意做某事 6.help sb (to) do sth 资助某人做某事7.want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事9.have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有难题 10.use sth to do sth用某物去做某事11.be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 12.seem to do sth 似乎做某事13.keep on doing sth 继续做某事 14.mind doing sth 介意做某事语法点1.询问某人的康健问题及遇到贫苦的表达方法2.情态动词should的用法3.不定代词的用法精致解读1. What’s the matter (with you)? 怎么了?出什么事了?What’s the trouble/ the problem / wrong with sb./ sth.?2. I had a cold.我伤风了。have a cold=catch a cold=have the flu伤风 have a fever发烧 have a cough咳嗽have a stomachache胃疼,肚子疼 have a toothache牙疼 have a headache头疼3. 身体部位+ache(疼痛)组成新的复合词stomach+ache=stomachache head+ache=headache tooth+ache=toothache back+ache=backache后背痛4. much too+形容词或副词,意为太。,too much+不行数名词,意为太多。

5. enough【形容、副词】足够的/地,enough放在名词后,形副后。good enough足够好,enough money足够的钱6. lie down躺下, lie 躺,躺着,已往式lay;lie说谎,已往式lied7. maybe “或许”,常用于句首,表现可能性,后加句子。

Maybe you are right.may be,是情态动词+be的结构,意为“可能,也许”,后加名词、代词或形容词。He may be angry.8. sound like+名词代词和从句:It sounds like you don’t know the truth. It sounds like a good idea.sound+形容词,“听起来,似乎”,The music sounds nice.9. need 需要,实义动词need+名词,需要某物; need to do sth.需要做某事,主语通常是人,表现人主动的行动:You need to listen carefully during class. need doing sth.主语通常是物,表现被动的行动:Your dirty clothes need washing.10. get off (the bus) 下(公交车) get on 上车11. agree 同意,赞同;同意做某事agree to do ,同意某人的看法、看法agree with sb。

12. trouble问题,贫苦 ;be in trouble 陷入逆境,make。

