
本文摘要:今天我们要学的词是 emblem. [ˈembləm]Emblem is spelled E-M-B-L-E-M, emblem.emblem 的意思是徽章、象征。

今天我们要学的词是 emblem. [ˈembləm]Emblem is spelled E-M-B-L-E-M, emblem.emblem 的意思是徽章、象征。(名词)Mississippi's House and Senate took historic votes on Sunday to remove a Confederate battle emblem from their state flag, more than a century after the design was adopted in 1894. 密西西比州的众议院和参议院星期日举行了一次历史性表决,将美海内战时期邦联军队的战徽从州旗上删掉,这个1894年接纳的设计距今已有一个多世纪。

North Korea’s Supreme Commander flag and emblem — composed of a Marshal’s Star and a half-wreath — has been a key representative symbol of the country’s leader Kim Jong Un. 朝鲜最高指挥官的旌旗和由一个元帅星和半个花圈组成的徽记,一直是象征朝鲜向导人金正恩的主要标志。好的,我们今天学习的词是 emblem, emblem, emblem ...。

